The S.I.N.G.S. program is designed to challenge students who are academically gifted and help them develop their talents. SINGS is an acronym that stands for “Serving the Individual Needs of Gifted Students.” The SINGS program teaches students about critical thinking, logic, creativity and problem-solving.
At the elementary level (3rd grade), the gifted program is a pull-out class. For one day each week, students ride buses to the Poplar Bluff Middle School for a full day of enrichment. Middle School students attend one full day of enrichment in their own school. Each grade level attends on a different day of the week. At the Junior High, students will attend S.I.N.G.S. for one hour each day at their own school.
The Poplar Bluff School District does not offer gifted enrichment classes at the high school level. Students have opportunities to take advanced level courses and participate in extra-curricular clubs.
Qualifying for the Gifted Program
In keeping with federal and state definitions, the Poplar Bluff Schools seek to identify students in the top 5% of the population. The minimum eligibility criteria for participation in SINGS “Serving the Individual Needs of Gifted Students” involves qualifying in three areas:
- General mental ability – IQ/GAI of 125+
- General academic ability – 95%
- Creativity, reasoning, and problem-solving ability
SINGS is not provided as an honor or as a reward. It is a challenging program of intervention designed to address the educational needs of the upper 5% of the population in the grade levels served.

Krista Yarbro
Middle School |

Hilary Taylor
Junior High School |