Continuity of Services

Over the past several years, Poplar Bluff educators have gathered best practices from schools across Missouri and the country and solicited input from local health care officials, parents, students, and other stakeholders. The information below is designed to help parents/guardians make informed decisions with regard to the learning experience of your child(ren) as we begin the school year with added safety measures in place to help mitigate risk for families during the pandemic.

Seated Option

Continuity of Services Highlights

  • Face coverings may serve as an important strategy to reduce transmission of the novel coronavirus, primarily by reducing the spread of infection from the wearer to those around.

  • Protocols have been put in place for social distancing to occur where possible in school settings.

  • Sanitation stations have been installed in entryways; frequent hand washing/hygiene practices will be built into the school day.

  • Students and staff are asked to self-screen and stay home if symptomatic; attendance incentives have been eliminated across the board.

  • Procedures are in place for responding to reported/suspected illness; isolation rooms have been established in nurses’ offices.

  • Extra cleaning of common spaces and disinfecting of hard surfaces will take place by custodial staff routinely; supplies such as disinfectant foggers have been acquired for buses.

  • The Poplar Bluff R-I School District will work with students and employees to identify and service the needs of those requiring social-emotional support as a result of Covid-19.

  • Please refer to our Continuity of Services Plan for additional information.
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